Bally Ribbon mills highlights high performance 3-D woven composites

Bally Ribbon Mills (BRM), an industry leader in the design, development, and manufacture of highly specialized engineered woven fabrics, highlights its high-performance products including 3-D woven joints, thermal protection systems (TPS), and other 3-D structures.

Bally Ribbon mills highlights high performance 3-D woven composites

1 minute, 20 secondes

In partnership with NASA, BRM recently developed the 3D Orthogonally woven 3DMAT Quartz Material for the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) compression pads. BRM and NASA efforts are a great example of NASA partnering with an American small business with a unique specialized technological capability that will further current and future exploration plans. The 3DMAT Quartz Material was recently named the 2023 NASA Government Invention of the Year.

BRM uses 3-D continuous weaving to create new joint structures and improve existing joints. Delivering the optimal blend of strength, durability, and structural integrity, BRM’s 3-D woven joints are available in “Pi – π,” double “T,” “H,” and other complex net shapes. 3-D woven joints from BRM lower weight and cost without sacrificing integrity and performance. Because of the nature of the 3-D weave, strength and support is translated in all 3 dimensions, thus enabling the join to reinforce the strength along the load paths of the sub-structures being joined together. These 3-D woven shapes for joining can be tailored to suit the architecture of the structure itself, as well as the sub-components being joined.

3-D woven composites by BRM are particularly successful in aviation heat shield applications such as thermal protection systems. These systems are mission-critical components, particularly in space exploration vehicles, and 3-D woven composites reduce weight and cost while maintaining excellent performance in TPS systems. The ability to vary yarn types, density, thickness, and width, as well as resin type, allows BRM to create fully customizable TPS to fit each specific mission or application’s needs.

Along with TPS systems, 3-D woven components also function well as engine parts in aircrafts. Replacing traditional titanium engine components with 3-D woven carbon fiber composites serves to reduce weight and therefore lifetime cost, all while meeting the rigorous demands of manufacturing and use.

Cover photo: Bally Ribbon

More information www.ballyribbon.com

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